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"Marvelous Action "
Robbie King

Date of Birth: 00/00/00
Combat Pro Titles:
Associates: Mike King, Brian Kirkland, Tim Timmons
Combat Pro Tag Teams:
Location: Long Island,NY
Other Accolades:
Height & Weight: 5'10" / 209 lbs
Entrance Music: "Living on the Edge " - Areosmith

Entrance Description: The Joe Perry guitar opening of "Living on the Edge" blast through the arena as Mike King leads his protege Robbie King to the ring. Robbie rolls into the ring and poses on the middle and bottom ropes posing for the crowd. King walks to his corner where Mike King gives him some pointers on the match.

Finishing Moves:
"Final Crisis" (Rolling Fireman's carry into a rope-held ropeflip moonsault)
"Identity Crisis" (Copies a move from his opponent's signature or finisher)
"Infinite Crisis" (Rolling Fireman's carry into a second rope moonsault followed by arope-held ropeflip moonsault)
Signature Moves:
Days of Futures Past: Inverted Facelock Backbreaker into a Neckbreaker Days of Futures Present: Running Knee lift into a Neckbreaker Flashpoint: Flying Double Stomp Korvac: Lariat variations (running, short, pendulum) Korvac Saga: Swinging STO backbreaker into a Lariat Warlock of Kings: Shining Enziguiri Weekly Pull: Sling Blade Zero Hour: Crucifix Buckle Bomb

Frequent Moves:
DDT (sometimes to a kneeling opponent)
Double Knee Backbreaker
Double Stomp
German Suplex
Inverted DDT
Moonsault variations (springboard,standing, top-rope)
Neckbreaker variaions (flipping neckbreaker, inverted facelock swinging neckbreaker)
Northern Lights Suplex
Roundhouse Kicks
Saito Suplex
Tornado DDT

Robbie King is a child of the 1990's into grunge, Power Rangers, wrestling, and comics thanks to 1990's animated super hero television series. Robbie is the younger brother of Mike King (mother and his step-father) and half-brother of Tim Timmons. At age 23, Robbie is finally trying to enter the ring in the shadow of his famous brother in his own unique way.

Mike King