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NIGRESCENSE with Jesse Montana

Date of Birth: Unknown
Location: Parts Unknown
Other Accolades:
Nigrescence was one of the most feared CZW superstars of all time Height & Weight: 6'2" / 275 lbs
Entrance Music: "Cokkha " - Apocolyptica

Entrance Description: The lights suddenly die, as the whole arena is seeped into a pit of darkness. The fans react by going deadly silent, whilst half of the crowd hold up their cell phones creating a galaxy of lights. The soft music slowly plays as white smoke begins to filter out, surrounding the stage and infitrating the front row. From the smoke emerges two figures however not all can be seen. The bass kicks in (after 16 secs) as small bolts of lightening shoots down upon the stage, but still nothing can be seen. (After 1 min 9 secs) The music changes, as a huge bolt of lightening shoots down and the stage is lit up with an eerie scarlet glow. Standing on the stage is Jesse Montana, holding a leash. On the end of the leash is a chain, tightened around the neck of Nigrescence. The fans boo as they watch Montana parade Nigrescence down the ramp as though he was showcasing a circus attraction. They reach the ringside as the music calms down (1min 42 secs), the scarlet glow still present. Montana climbs into the ring with his creature, as he begins to unlock the chain. Another lightening bolt shoots down as the music tempo changes (after 2 mins 16 secs) the scarlet glow turns to a white spotlight on the ring, the rest of the whole arena in darkness still. Nigrescence is free as Montana leaves the ring, Nigrescence walks around pulling on his hair and squeeling as he awaits his opponent. The music fades as the lights return.

Finishing Moves:
"Darkness Prevails " (Tazzmission style choke hold, usually applied after Fade to Black or Nigrescence Express, whilst opponent is on the floor )
"Call of Jessica " (Curtain Call into a reverse piledriver)
Signature Moves:
"Fade to Black " (lifts opponent up into a powerbomb position then falls backwards, as opponent drops neck first onto the top rope )
"Nigrescence Express " (Nigrescence has been taught how to hit the perfect Superkick, or otherwise known as the Montana Express, by Jesse Montana )

Frequent Moves:
Lou thesz press
Onslaught of punches in corner
Biting opponent
Running forearm smash
Double arm DDT
Flying headbutt

Not much is known for sure about Nigrescence. Rumour has it he was heavily disfigured years ago, whilst dating a girl called Jessica, who he now holds a strange obsession with. After she left him, most likely after he was disfigured, he became mentally ill, shying away from human contact, living in darkness far away from civilisation. After his stint in CZW, he once again became a recluse, until, Jesse Montana heard CZW was reopening. Montana, once CZW President, and the most hated man to ever be apart of the Company, needed a way back in. The board of directors would not give him any power and did not even want him back on the active roster. So Montana searched deep and hard, rumors have it Montana found Nigrescence and captured him, keeping him in captivity within the Montana mansions. Montana now has his way in, and his highly deranged, dangerous puppet, to control under the Montana regime.

Jesse Montana
Manager Bio:
Jesse was born Jesse Shaw, in Montana. He became Jesse Montana after winning a state Wrestling competiton, soon after 'The Sensation' Jesse Montana was born. Jesse made it big in CZW, becoming the leader of the Upstarts, and the CZW World heavyweight champion. He held it for a record period of time. He soon became the most hated man in the business and the CZW President. Now he is back, with a lethal weapon under his control, the team of Jesse Montana as the Puppet Master and Nigrescence as his loyal rottweiler, CZW could be in danger. :